Msfarina603's Blog


Two Agencies, Oklahoma Family Court and The Oklahoma DHS

Two agencies! The Oklahoma Family Court! and The Oklahoma DHS!

Case number – JD- 06-180

  1. Case name – May, Davis, Benjamin, Walker
  2. Judge – Associate District Judge Richard W Kirby
  3. Okdhs – Supervisor Tara J Bone

 This is my story! My  painful and emotional story of how the state of Oklahoma have failed my grandchildren and our family. Because of this my dear and precious grandchildren have been in the foster care system for the past 6 long years. Medicated. Alienated. and Isolated from their family with absolute no contact except through letters that I hope that they are getting them. For it is my on communication that I have with my precious grandsons.

These agencies have not performed as promised. Because of their negligent and unprofessional behavior my grandchildren have remained in the Oklahoma Department of Human Service Foster Care System for the past 6 years. Medicated, Alienated and Isolated from our family. This has been a violation of their rights, my grandchildren rights as a client in the States foster care system.

My grandchildren haven’t seen me, I’m their maternal and biological grandmother! They haven’t seen me since February 2010! That’s emotional to my grandchildren! Not only that it’s wrong! it’s an injustice! Totally a violation of my grandchildren rights due them.

My rights as a grandparent! According to those here in Oklahoma, of the Oklahoma DHS, I have no rights as a grandparent! So because the state will not honor my rights as a Grandparent! I have not had any success with this state in getting my grandchildren out of the foster care system.

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services will not give me any information on my grandchildren what so ever! They will not tell me anything in regards to my grandchildren! They have not helped me in any way to reunite with my grandsons! This is wrong! How this state! The state of Oklahoma has treated me and my family!

From the Oklahoma Family Court Judge- Judge Kirby on down to the Oklahoma DHS agency! This has been a living nightmare! Just horrible! My grandchildren have been in the Oklahoma Department of Human Services Foster Care Division for the longest time! 6 long years! That’s awful! Just an injustice!

I am the children’s maternal and biological grandmother! I am their family! I love them with all my heart!  I am not a felon! I am financially established! I don’t need one red cent to care and raise my precious grandchildren! I am a Veteran! I am mature, responsible and willing and able to take care of my grandchildren. I have a 3 bedroom home that’s over 2,000 square feet. Yet! Judge Richard Kirby will not order the Oklahoma DHS to do a Home Study of my home! It’s supposed to be about the children! If that’s true why aren’t my grandchildren HOME?

Children deserve to be with family and not strangers! My grandchildren have suffered too much from being in the Oklahoma foster care system. This is all because of the actions of the family court judge Richard W Kirby and the Initial case worker, which she is now the Supervisor by the name of Tara J Bone of the Oklahoma DHS, located on 7201 NW 10th Street here in Oklahoma City, Ok 73127.

This is not Justice! Oklahoma Family Court and Oklahoma Department of Human Services foster Care Division are Corrupted..  They do what they want!  My grandchildren have suffered and they continue to suffer by the hands of this State of Oklahoma and  their employee who have neglected those who they are serving!!

It’s not right for these people who holds these positions to be free to do what they want with families and their love ones. Because of this  my grandchildren have been away from our family and floating in the foster care system. Medicated, Alienated and Isolated! It all began on March 2 2006.

I just want my grandchildren home! To hug them! To hold them! To kiss them! To comfort them! To be in their life! 

Please! Pray for me and my family! That my grandchildren will be home soon, for  this awful tragedy will be over soon, that my grandchildren will ber reunited soon! To be back home with family where they are loved, wanted and missed. Truly they are not forgotten!

Thank You For Your Prayers. God Bless You and Yours! Have a Blessed Day!

Grieving Grandmother

Farina Thompson



Grandmother you can’t have your grandchildren!

Grandmother! You can’t have your grandchildren!!

The state of Oklahoma will not and has not given me my grandsons! According to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, they say they are requesting my grandchildren for permanent placement. Permanent Placement, that means to be adopted out!!  Their reasoning as they state are because in 1983 I had a food stamp case out of California. Not only that! Oklahoma states that it was a Felony! Which it isn’t true.

There is no way that it is a felony! If that was true, there would be no way that I could ever enlist into the United States Military. I was in the Army. I quartermaster. My MOS — 76v10.

This mess with Oklahoma is absurd! They aren’t helping the situation. Instead they are causing more grief. You mean to tell me because of something as minor as that! It is the reason for them to keep my grandchildren! How ridiculous! That is so heartless and cold-blooded.

My grandchildren are loved, wanted and missed! This is wrong! My grandsons have love-ones and family that cares very much about them. Because of a 1983 case, almost 30 years ago,Oklahoma DHS, they are determined to continue to deny me my grandsons, my flesh and blood. This is vengeful, cruelty, and a personal vendetta. Honestly! Because my son-n-law a felon out of California, over 13 years in prison! The judge, Judge Richard Kirby, he gave my youngest grandson to his father, to that very person. Yes! I know he is the Father! I get it! But when the children doesn’t have a parent fighting for them, shouldn’t a grandparent be the next in line to take over? Especially when the grandparent wants the children and are able to provide and care for them?

I just want my grandchildren out of the foster care system. My grandsons! I miss them so much. It is so painful!

Case– May, Davis, Benjamin, Walker; Case # JD-06-180; Judge Richard W Kirby; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; County of Oklahoma. March 2 2006 children taken into DHS foster care.

Oklahoma Department of Human Services has done me and my grandchildren a raw deal. It’s an injustice! It’s not right! What so ever! Oklahoma is corrupt and the system is truly broken.

Please pray for me and my precious grandchildren. Please pray that we be a family and be reunited so that we can go on about our lives. We need to move on and put this behind us. Please pray for us.

Thank You and God Bless You & Yours

Grieving Grandmother

Farina Maria Thompson



Farina and Grandchildren

Please pray for me and my grandchildren, that this will be all over so that we can move on in our lives. 5 years is damage enough.

We are a family that has strong ties and bonds together.. We connect at the heart and our love is very strong.

When the devil is so active. I just ask that you all will keep me and my babies in prayer. Thank You.

I know that my heavenly father seeing everything and i am sure that his love will definitely prevails. It’s amazing how people of the flesh still thinks of them selves to be higher than the HIGHER POWER.

With the dirt and corruption in the  family courts, I pray for peace and serenity. To come to those that has a demized heart and pray that they will find peace with in themselves so that they can let go of the hatred that’s in their hearts.

Please pray for my family and for them that need God!

Thank You.

Grandmother persecuted


There’s so many nick names that our grandchildren has for calling us as grandparents. There’s hundred of names that so many grandchildren calls their loving grandma and grandpa.

When the DHS DIRECTOR- HOWARD HENDRICK, DHS SUPERVISOR- TARA J BONE, DHS DA- JANE BROWN, and the ASSOCIATE DISTRICT JUDGE RICHARD W KIRBY, lose their way to do the right thing. Then that brings about corruption. It is about the children and getting them out of the system as fast and soon as possible.

5 years to bring closure to a case it very damaging to my babies. Because my grandsons, they know that Grandma is here. That’s not right at all! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

My grandsons are loved, wanted and missed by all of our family. They have a loving home to come to.

I have relocated over 1800+ miles to be close to my boys, and to have regular visits with them.

The state has taken that away. From the beginning there were never any regular visits.

They have kept my grandsons away from me and they haven’t had any phone calls either.

Family reunification is the key and yet, As they stress it so much. Why are my grandchildren not home yet?

I have a 3 bedroom 2 bath 2 car garage home and it is over 2,000 square feet. I’ve more than enough space for my grandsons. This is wrong.

Everyone knows how rough it is for children to be left in foster care. Especially any length of time.

There is a very big problem and something needs to be done about it!

I just want my grandchildren out of the foster care system. That’s all i want is for them to be home back in my arms. With loving family as i am here and will not stop my journey to get them home.

There are Statutes and the Oklahoma Administrative Codes that aren’t being enforced. My grandchildren should have been home many moons ago.

Our civil rights and human rights has been violated. My grandbabies has been victimized by the system as well as our whole family.

I’ve spent many countless hours on the internet searching for case information, and to learn as much as i can about foster care and case-law in regards to grandchildren and grandparents. Just all issues dealing with family court judges and getting educated about the players involved with my grandsons case.

I have asked for help from many agencies, knocked on may doors, sent hundreds of faxes, and rung a many telephones, because what it going on here in the State of Oklahoma isn’t justice at all, not for along shot.

These persons that are in a position to destroy families and many children’s lives are cold-hearted folks. They think that they are untouchable. They are above the law. So to speak and by that they can abuse their authority. In the mean time can leave a trail of destruction.

It’s supposed to be about the children, In my grandsons case. That is no longer the priority. As i see it. They are focusing on me. I’m just a loving and caring grandmother, that refuses to give in to them, so that they can do what they want with my grandsons.

I’ve been targeted, and this is now a racist issue, a personal vendetta.

The Judge – Richard W Kirby, DA – Jane Brown, DHS Supervisor – Tara J Bone, and DHS Director – Howard Hendrick – has lost their way of processing and now has made it even more difficult on my grandsons, by not giving me my grandsons.

Priority should be – family reunification. Family connection and bonding. Not destroying the children’s lives. The court system and dhs has alienated me grandbabies. We haven’t seen each other in quite some time now.

My grandbabies, they all know how much i love and miss them. The family courts know that I love and miss my grandbabies. This is tragedy and emotional painful for us.

Everyone as mentioned before, they are going home every night to their babies, grandbabies, and look forward to seeing them as they walk through the door. How would they feel, If they couldn’t see their babies, or granddbabies little faces? How would they feel to be going through this ordeal as me and my grandbabies?

It’s a nightmare! A real life Horror! I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

As of 12/2009 I was denied all access to court documentation in regards to my grandsons case. I have not been allowed to receive any court papers, showing the up coming court dates. It’s only been by word of mouth. That’s not good enough.

Anyway I’m asking everyone to please pray for me and my grandchildren. We have been going through this for some time now. My grandchildren and our family has been victimized by the Oklahoma Family Court and Oklahoma DHS.

Please keep the prayers coming, I thank you and do so appreciate it. God Bless.

My family, we need closure.

All I want is, to see my grandbabies,hug and be there for my grandchildren.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Love, Peace and Blessings. God Bless to all. Amen!

Thank you for taking the time to read our family story of enduring pain.


We as grandparents has that special bond of connection with our grandchildren. Being in our grandbabies lives are so valuable for them and us as that role model to our little ones.

Here in the state of Oklahoma where I have been for the past 2.5 – 3 years, out of love for my precious grandsons. I am being persecuted because I am fighting for my grandchildren. I will not shut up about the exposure of what’s taking place in the oklahoma family court.

My grandsons have been in the foster care system since March 2 2006. I’m the only one that’s fighting for them. We are a family and they are close to my heart. We are blood.

This is a living nightmare for me and my family.

I’m concerned about my grandsons that’s in the Oklahoma Foster Care States System. This is un called for. When children has been taken by the state, they should be trying everything to place the children with their biological family members. Here i am their maternal and biological grandmother. What they do is hinder the process. This case has been dragged out for 5 years. March 2 2011 will be five years.

I am not a felon, never been to prison. I am all that these children has to appear in court.

It’s about family and children, to be reunited to end this horrible tragedy. It’s supposed to be. You’d think.



Jamira N May- Mother forced to relinquish her parental rights

My daughter Jamira May, a young woman released from prison, dealing with Oklahoma DHS was driven to relinquish her parental rights. From the hands of the Oklahoma DHS case workers and Oklahoma DHS DA as well as the childrens’ attorney, caused my daughter to relinquish her parental rights by imposing such strict  requirements of her to get her children out of foster care. Due to the demands made on her and considering what she was facing, meaning her felonies that she has on her, it made it hard for her to get employment, housing and fully established enough to get her children. So with that mention, that’s where i come in and be there for my daughter to help her and my grandbabies and get them out of the foster care system. After all Isn’t that what we grandparents do?

Or so we thought! In the real world it would have worked,  unfortunately in the courtroom the folks denied that and refused to let Jamira return home with the children, because of that my daughter relinquished her parental rights to her sons and now she is no longer apart of the case. That took place 9/15/2009.

I am the maternal and biological grandmother, and i am doing what i can to save my family, these boys, my babies, are my blood and i love them as well as the whole family love them very much.

It’s the Family Unit and we deserve to live in peace without interruption. Yet the government, has allowed the DSS/ DHS/ FSS/DCFS- it goes by so many different names across the united states so whatever the name is in your part of the country, anyway the government are actually the ones behind the family being destroyed.

I have been going to court continuously on a regular basis. It hasn’t gotten any better. The people of the court and the staff are there to just do their job. What i am saying is typically, It’s not for reuniting the children with the families. In my grandsons case it is a racial thing going on toward me. Our civil rights and human rights has been violated.

Until January 2010 there was never a court approved visitation order for me to visit with my grandchildren. It took a month after that to get our family visit. My babies have been alienated from our family visits. Our family visits were stopped by Tara Bone, which she is the original case worker from back in 2006.

The family unit is truly valued. At least for some of us it is a way of life for us. To enjoy our family, children, grandchildren and friends. A family unit isn’t meant to be destroyed. God made it!  It’s puzzling at how these individuals here in this state of Oklahoma has ignored the true value of family and it’s foundation. Yet the very same people that’s causing immense pain and emotional distress among me and mines and so many other families, are truly enjoying their love-ones.

Why is it a double-standard? What if their family was shredded and stripped of what they have known for years and all of a sudden they children were taken from them! How would they feel?

The case of my grandchildren, being left in the system because Oklahoma DHS, ultimately put pressure on my daughter Jamira N May to give up. That was definitely wrong. It only hurt more. My daughter she needed help and they wouldn’t let her come home where i could help. It’s about Family. Yet in the eyes of foster care and the heartless social workers it’s more cynical behavior therefore causing such tragedy as this. My grandchildren are still in foster care and i am still going to court for them. This case has been dragged out for the past 4 years 10 months 3 weeks and 5 days. Totally an injustice and racially motivated.

I want everyone to know what is going on here in the state of Oklahoma in the family court and Oklahoma DHS, especially in my grandchildren’s case.

The family unit is valuable, since it is proven to be. Why else would the Oklahoma family court and Oklahoma DHS, continue to keep me and my grandbabies apart. When I have no felonies. Never been to prison. Military retired. I have my own source Income. I’m not on any public assistance. 

I’ve a Oklahoma residence that’s fully furnished and equipped and plenty of  room for my grandchildren. Not only that, my babies are on my rental lease.

My daughter she gave birth to 6 boys.  Out of the 6 babies only one of the boys are free and clear of foster care. The other 5 are still in the system. Jamira May,she has suffered truly an injustice at the hands of the Oklahoma DHS. Only if they would have agreed for her to return home with my grandbabies. We would be on our way to rebuilding our lives that they have destroyed for the past 4 years 10 months 3 weeks and 5 days. 

 The Director of Oklahoma DHS his name is Director Howard Hendrick and he needs to be fired and let go. He shouldn’t be allowed to hold office anylonger. With his actions on this matter i believe he is more dangerous to the Oklahoma families than good. Reason behind this is simply. He’s not helping the the families, He’s not taking an interest in the cases. He is only at the top of the food chain and making sure, that his family is well provided for.

Like I said, Family Values. He loves his family and would be devastated if something would have happened to his family. Director Howard Hendrick a church going person, yet he has failed many children and families causing severe emotional stress at the separation of their love-ones and mommies and daddies and grandma’s.

Director Howard Hendrick is behind all of this. He gives the order to do and therefore he is at fault for so much pain and not sleeping at night.

Our family because at the hands of this person, has truly caused a void in our family. We aren’t complete without our babies. My grandbabies has been in foster care, either a private home or a state group home because of the Director Howard Hendrick.



Because my grandchildren means the world to me. I’m letting the whole world know how me and my babies has been treated in this Red Dirt State. How we have been totally treated like as if family values isn’t what this great nation was built on.

The truth is that every politician has been spilling their inside about Family Values, and The Family Unit, that’s how they get appointed and or elected.

But when our babies, our children are taken away from our valued families its not important to them.

So i want the whole world to know that if the government continues to allow this to happen know one will be safe nowhere. The agencies will be free to come in our homes as they done my daughter.

(Really they took the children from school and daycare)

But from all of this, they will be able to knock down doors and just take the american children and be free to do it.

Say No To DHS and Stand up for your rights. Let my pain and suffering help you to arm yourself with everything to equip and be ready. Stop DHS at the Door. Don’t be fooled. Don’t let them in.

It only takes a phone to have your children taken/stolen. From that point on your life will never be the same.

Take it from someone who is going through it right now.

Love to all and God Bless.

Remember to be strong and keep the faith and keep your head up.


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