Msfarina603's Blog



Sat. 10.24.2015

Hello and Hi to everyone that’s been keeping up with me and this painful journey of my family. My precious grandchildren I miss them so very much, more than words can describe.Thank you all for your interest and heartfelt prayers. I’m no longer in the Mid-West region. I’ve returned back to the West Coast. That was in early 2012 February. Emotional! Yes it continues. That will never change. It’s been some time since I’ve posted anything.

I continue to write my grandchildren. However they aren’t responding to their letters. Every letter that I mail, I keep a copy of it. (That’s the only way I’ll send it — proof and verification key).

My grandchildren, they have family and truly not forgotten!

On May 5 2012; something urged me to view the Adoption page of Oklahoma’s Children! Let me tell you – I found my grandchildren on that page and I just couldn’t believe my eye’s – what I was seeing. I SCREAMED JUST SCREAMED. I thought I was going to die that night! After that I couldn’t sleep for months – just the roughest time ever (again) dealing with the OKLAHOMA DHS FOSTER CARE SYSTEM.

What I read under the descriptions of my grandsons bio – was that they were single births and had no other siblings! I immediately called to Oklahoma the next business day and got some answers – of course not what I wanted to hear.

The response was that – She had received approval to say that my grandchildren were the only child and had no siblings.

OH! What I didn’t mention, was that once I had reestablished myself on the West Coast – I requested an ICPC – transfer of my grandsons. I talked to the child worker at the time. Get This! She said that the Judge- Richard W. Kirby had said that I wasn’t to get my grandchildren at all, what so ever! I see that as “just pure evil and hatred”.

It’s been an emotional & painful journey!

My oldest grandson has aged out of the system. He’s turning 19 in December. As yet still no contact from him.

The next two under my oldest they are still in the system. I don’t here from them either.

The next two under the two that I just mentioned, they have been adopted out.

Then of course the youngest of my six grandchildren, he has been returned to his father, which was fairly early on. My grandson don’t have a recollection of ever being the foster care system.

You know this still seems as if I am living in a ‘NIGHTMARE’ and I can’t wake up! It’s just excruciating pain day in day out. You can bet that I have gone through it since – March 02, 2006. Not a day that goes by that I don’t think about my precious grandsons – What’s going on with them. Who are they with. Their health. Their education. How are they being treated. Just everything that one can imagine when you don’t know what’s going one with your babies.

You all understand what I am saying! A grandmother’s love. Family love.

The system is supposed to keep FAMILY’S TOGETHER- noticed I said supposed to. That system in Oklahoma, from what I’ve experienced including the Family Court. Clearly it’s Corruption and all about the Money -selling all the Children(adopting them out and getting paid).

PS. I want to let all of you know that once I returned back to the WEST COAST – Most definitely it was hard for me in that I had to leave my grandbabies out there in the system. OH! very painful and emotional for me.

Also for all of you that are involved with any DHS/CPS/CSD & the many other names that they may go by. Hang in there. Just don’t give up. It’s a very grueling and intense experience. Remember! The love we have for our love ones, family members, our grandbabies, our babies – That’s real. Pure Love.

We will get through this.

Hey what keeps me going are the many responses that I received from all of you & of course that I am determined to make sure that my grandchildren, they will all know the truth and what happened.

Because I am not a dead beat grandmother. I came forth as a loving and caring grandparent ought to. I done that. I moved and relocated from Nevada to Oklahoma, but not first before I took several FLIGHTS and DRIVEN my own personal vehicle. I done that and I’d do it all over again.

That’s how much I love my grandchildren.

It’s been almost 10 years since this tragedy have struck our family – It’s hard! Very Painful!

My grandchildren, they are not forgotten! They are loved, wanted and missed! They were taken and held hostage against their will. My grandchildren they wanted to come home. Grandma came for them. I was refused, denied and over looked deliberately in every thing that I requested.

Farina M Thompson.


Farina Thompson; A Grandmothers’ Determination!

Sunday June 3 2012

ImageAs a grandmother, I came forth to do the right thing and get my grandchildren out of the Oklahoma Foster Care System. Little did I know that the State of Oklahoma would do all this to keep my grandsons in the states foster care system.

I’ve seen so much corruption,deception and crooked folks in these here unprofessional and unethical acts, It has blown me completely away. You would think that the court system would want to place the children back with their blood family and not have them in the foster care system any length of time.

Not in the case with my grandchildren. It’s been 6 long painful, frustration and daunting years. literally a living Nightmare!

It’s puzzling and disturbing from my point of view! Since Family should be with family. My grandchildren have been in the Oklahoma Foster Care System, since March 2 2006. The last time that I saw my grandsons were on 2-16-2010. It’s been over 2 years! That’s plum ridiculous! Just Cruel ! That’s just wrong and deliberately devious and corruption.

My daughter, after requesting / asking permission if she could return home with her mother, (ME), so that I can help her with her children. Reason being she had just been released from prison out there in Oklahoma. She had nothing– was starting all over from scratch. She became overwhelmed and gave up.

I moved from Reno Nevada. But First! I made several plane flights , then drove several times too, before I actually moved to Oklahoma. Which, I was there for 3 1/2 years before moving back home to Modesto, California.

You see! I love my grandchildren, they are my world and my life. for the last 6 years. I’ve been making sure to do what’s needed, because dealing with this Oklahoma DHS – Foster Care System. As long as I have been dealing with that state you have to become creative. Keep a positive mind and read up on the system as much as you can. The foster care system is meant to break the family that’s fighting the good fight. What I mean by that! They will do everything to scare you, so that you will not do or say anything at all what so ever. Via the News, Internet, Reporters,.

I know this because. I was slapped with a contempt of court charge where I had to pay for an attorney for myself.  When you start exposing the culprit! They get worried, believe me they do.I remember this one time I was before the judge and the DA she stated! Judge she has already getting an audience, she has over 42 views.

That’s when all kind of stuff started being mentioning in court.

As I am the maternal and biological grandparent to my precious grandchildren. I will not stop exposing them to the world, via, the news, blogs, you-tube, writing the legislatures and even the president and his wife. Each and every letter I receive I put them with the others.

I’ve complained to the Civil Rights Division of the DHHS I took it all the way to Washington DC. Though nothing was positive. Yet! I still have proof to show my grandchildren when that day comes and they ask me – Grandma! Did you fight for us? Or How come you didn’t come for us? I can be proud to tell them and show them everything that I’ve done to get them out and back home with me where, they are loved, wanted and missed.

My grandchildren! They aren’t forgotten! No! They aren’t. What has taken place with my grandchildren and how the Oklahoma Family Courts and the Oklahoma DHS has done to us nothing but an Injustice and those behind these vengeful acts should be held accountable for their actions.

Case # JD-06-180–  K# 20347104 -Case Name – MAY- BENJAMIN – DAVIS – WALKER –

The Judge — Associate District Judge Richard W Kirby. This judge has not done his job as he took his oath and was sworn in as a Civil Servant. His duties were to help those that come into his courtroom. Not to fail the family’s and the children that are counting on him. He’s wasn’t for the righteous, Yet! He was in favor of the Oklahoma DHS- therefore my grandchildren has remained in the states foster care system.

The state of Oklahoma has done so many wrong unethical actions in the case of my grandchildren it would take more than 20 pages to get it all down and maybe more.

I will continue to write my blogs and let the world know what is going on with the foster care system in the state of Oklahoma and what they have done to my grandchildren and our family.

How come they didn’t give me my grandchildren? Is beyond me. However it was unethical and an injustice, let me tell you that. But! let them tell it, It’s because I have a felony food stamp charge that took place in 1982- which I was 18.  That’s incorrect! I went into the Army shortly after that. Felons aren’t allowed in the Armed  Forces.

Everything that I’ve done to get my grandsons out of the foster care system was shot down and they would continue to put things off, that was in favor of me, the children’s maternal and biological grandparent.

In court it got so bad, they are so dirty and devious, that the Oklahoma DHS REQUESTED to have me taken – removed from my grandchildren case. That I wasn’t allowed to be in court. This request was done in Feb 2011 and the request was granted, by the Associate District Judge Richard W Kirby.

The even more shocking element to this is that I wasn’t present in court! The reason for that, was simply they had the court date a day in advance and I wasn’t notified of the change in venue. How is that for size? Isn’t that something? When I’m fighting for my only grandchildren!

The judge said from the beginning, that if I don’t like his ruling to take it to a higher court! That right there meant that he wasn’t ruling in favor of me the grandmother.

It didn’t matter that I came prepared. I moved to the mid west. Rented a nice 3 bedroom home that was over 2,000 square feet. Had all the boys rooms furnished and ready for them to come home. Also! didn’t need any assistance to care for and provide for my grandsons. No tax payers would have to shell out their hard-earned wages to help me support my daughters children! My grandchildren! No, I’m able and willing to care for every one of them.

Not only that! I am my grandsons maternal and biological grandmother. I love my grandbabies with all the blood that’s flowing through my body in my veins.

Children should be with family and not be shuffled and bounced around in the foster care system, especially when they have family that wants them.

My grandchildren, have had at least a dozen case workers. They don’t know what’s going on, they are only children and they know that they aren’t home and are continuously being moved about. My grandsons have been emotionally traumatized and alienated and isolated from their family.

That s certainly not in the best interest of the children! Yet! They are always quick to give the court that favorite statement. NOT only That – the other statement would be that of Every effort has been made to place the children with their maternal grandmother, which is nothing but an out right lie. Straight fabricated!

The courts action and that of the Oklahoma DHS  has been anything but professional.

Without a doubt this have been a Nightmare and very emotional to say the least.

Before I end, I’m asking everyone to please pray for me and my grandchildren, that this unexpected emotional and devastation of events in our lives be put to rest. For we have been going through this for the past 6 years and 2 months.

I thank you for your prayers and blessings. God Bless You and Yours.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I am just putting this out there to inform folks of this horrific ordeal – how the state can take your children and do what they want, so I just feel it’s right to let the world know of this tragedy that has struck my family. Not in a million years I seen this coming! I never though I’d be going through something as emotional and painful as this. My grandchildren! Oh! I hurt deeply! So deep down inside. The pain you can’t imagine the extent of this feeling.

So anyway,

Thanks Again,

Grieving Grandmother,

Farina Thompson


Oklahoma DHS & The Corruption Along With It..

Hello my name is Farina Thompson.

I am the grandmother to 5 wonderful and adorable grandsons, that I haven’t seen since 2-16-2010. Oklahoma Department of Human Services/Foster Care Division, they took my grandsons into foster care in 2006. March 2 2006. From the time they were taken by the State of Oklahoma, I’ve not had any regular visits with my grandchildren. Nor have I  had any phone time with my grandchildren.

We are not from the State of Oklahoma. We are from out west. “The West Coast” We are not at home.

At the time of my grandchildren, when they were snatched from school and their daycare center, by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services,  they were here less than 6 months, not a legal resident of the state of Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Department of Human Services and The Oklahoma Family Court Division are corrupt to the fullest! I have never seen anything like it before! I’ve never been in a situation as this before in my life. This State has truly caused me and my grandchildren emotionall damage. This has definitely scarred us. They have taken so much away from us. All theses years of my grandsons being in foster care. This is no doubt heartbreaking!

Oklahoma Department of Human Services has denied me all access to my precious grandchildren. They have denied me all across the board. Not recognizing my Nevada Guardianship. They have denied – The Haebus Corpus- to release the children. They have denied me my right to adopt my grandchildren.

They will not give me a HOME-STUDY in order for me to pass, so that I will be approved to get my grandsons out of the Oklahoma Foster Care System. Even the Judge himself will not order DHS to give me one. That’s horrible!!

They have denied my  rights as a biological and maternal grandmother to have continuous contact with my grandsons.

Oklahoma DHS and the Judge has alienated and isolated my grandsons. They have deliberately kept my grandsons away from me. That’s is unprofessional and cruel! Not to mention emotionally damaging to my grandsons.

My grandchildren, they do know that I am here in Oklahoma, but! however they do not have the liberty to see me in person nor do they have permission to respond to any of the letters that I send them.

All I want is my grandchildren! That’s it! That’s all! My grandchildren they don’t deserve to be continuously housed in the foster care system! Especially when they have a loving and caring relative that wants them. I don’t see these actions by the State of Oklahoma DHS and of the Judge, as being rational or even logical for that matter. This is WRONG!

This is not Professional Behavior! It’s totally an Injustice and In my opinion a Personal Vendetta towards me!  Policies and procedures have been broken! I’ve not been given the same hand as everyone else to beable to get their grandchildren and or children out of the foster care system.

I am no felon. I have never been to prison. I am a military vet. I was in the Army. I am a registered voter. I am independent. I have my own money/finances. I have everything that is needed in order to take care of my grandchildren. I don’t need not one red cent from anyone to support my grandchildren. I have a rented 3 bedroom- 2 bath- 2 car garage home. Square footage in excess of 2,000 sq ft. I have more than enough room for all of my grandsons.

I LOVE MY GRANDSONS ! They are my everything! My whole world! It’s just eating me up inside, that they are having to go through this horrible separtion from our FAMILY. I want to be in my grandchildrens lives. The State DHS and the Judge has denied me the right to be apart of their lives. I am not included in my grandchildrens lives! Not apart of anything that has to do with my grandsons.

Oklahoma DHS and the Judge are just horribe and heartless individuals. They act as if our family doesn’t matter to us. That’s wrong! Everyday after work they definitely go home to their families and love-ones. They interact with their children. They hug and kiss their children. They feed their children. They tuck them in at night for bedtime. They see them in the morning as well. They get to help them with their homework. Go to schools and all the acitvities. They have love of watching and seeing the children come home after school and bombard the kitchen for snacks, something to eat after school. They get that after school hug! Which I miss all of this. The State of Oklahoma has taken this away from me and my grandchildren.

The initial DHS case worker in the beginning of the case: her name is Tara J Bone. She is now a Supervisor and she is the main reason behind this delay, confusion and corruption. She is a major player/ part of it. Big Time.

DHS states the reason that they aren’t giving me my grandchildren! That they aren’t reccom-mending me for either temporary or permanemt placement, because I have a Felony out of the State of California! Get this! First of all I don’t have a felony. Second of all it was a foodstamp case back in 1983. It wasn’t a Felony!  I don’t understand this? What does this has to do with me loving and raising my grandchildren? You know to get them back home with family!

It’s about Family! Right? So why does the state has to make a big deal out of something like this? As long as I am able, capable, stable and can provide a roof for my grandchildren. It’s about Family? Well at least I thought it was.

From the way that Oklahoma and the Judge over this case has shown me and how they have acted towards me and all of my efforts, It is apparently not about the children and their families. This has been truly disturbing to me! Very hard to understand Oklahoma practices, policies and procedures.

My grandchildren should of been home before now! They still aren’t home yet! The last time I saw my grandchildren were on 2-16-2010. Almost 2 years ago! Devastating and Horrifying, It is!

My only contact between my grandchildren are that of letter writing. Even with that! I’m not sure if they are recieving the letters. Anyway of which I keep on writing on a regular basis. Of course I scan each and every letter that I mail. I do that so that my grandsons will see one day that I never gave up on them. That I never stopped trying.

I have wrote letters to the Oklahoma State Capitol, to the officials such as the governor, both governors current and the previous. Which their names are (new) Gov. Mary Fallon, (previous)  Gov Brad Henry. I started writing to the governor before  I left the State of Nevada. I’ve wrote on many, many occasions. All I ever received in returned was generated form letters. You know the kind– Thank you for contacting the office, letting us know of your concerns in regards to your grandchildren. However the office will refer your letter to the approriate persons other than that,  there is nothing that this office can do. It is out of our jurisdiction.

I’ve also wrote to Senators, Representatives, Congressmen and Congresswomen. Even to the Presiden! Yeah! I am aware that it was a waste of time to write the president. I never received a response from the white house which I wrote on several different occasions.

I’ve contacted the Childrens Rights Organization! Because it’s a major Lawsuit against the Oklahoma Department of Human Services in regards to what’s going on here in the state. There is too much wrong doing and there isn’t enough accountability for it. No-one wants to be blamed, but rather point the finger instead!

For as my grandchildren! As long as I love and want my grandbabies, that should be enough! Along with my being able to provide for them, being the key. I surely don’t need any money from no-one to do that. I want to be there for them! Be included in their lives! It’s no reason for this type of actions by the state and the judge. They are wasting the tax payers money housing my grandchildren. This is nonsense!!

I love my grandchildren! They are loved! wanted! and missed! I haven’t hugged my grandsons in nearly 2 years! Their smiles! They are growing up! My grandsons, they are not forgotten! They have family! What this state has done to me and my grandsons is not JUSTICE!

THE SYSTEM HAS FAILED THIS FAMILY! HAS FAILED MY GRANDSONS! The system has damaged my grandchildren and my family. We will never ever be the same!

For 5 YEARS AND 8 1/2 MONTHS, nothing but pain & suffering. A total NIGHTMARE!

Oklahoma Department of Human Services is definitely corrupted. The system is broken! So many children are suffering, my grandchildren has suffered and continue to suffer at the hands of those that are holding positions of Authority. Children deserve to be with FAMILY! NOT STRANGERS! NOR DO THEY DESERVE TO BE ADOPTED OUT! IT’S WRONG! IT’S AN INJUSTICE!!!


CASE# JD-06-180


One would think or believe that DHS would be there to help families and children! Not to cause pain and suffering by adopting the children out. Nor to alienate and or isolate the children from their love-ones such as they have done with my precious grandchildren.

Please pray for me and my grandchildren as we are still separated and they continue to be shuffled and shafted around in the Oklahoma foster care system, bouncing from one foster home/or group home placement to the other. Please pray us.

Thank You and God Bless You & Yours

From a grieving Grandmother,

Farina M Thompson






65 Months And Grandchildren Still Aren’t Home

65 months and my grandchildren still remains in the Oklahoma Foster Care System floating around from placement to placement.

Since 3-2-2006, my precious grandchildren have been in the Oklahoma foster care system.  They have been alienated from our family.  I haven’t seen my grandsons since 2-16-2010. Haven’t heard their voices.  Yet the court seems, this is in the BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD!

How can family alienation be of good measure?

Foster Care isn’t good for any children. It has to be a better way than this. The folks involved in dividing and separating the children from their families and alienating on a continuous basis have no morals or ethical guide lines what so ever.

My precious grandsons has been alienated from our family for over 5.5 years. They were taken on 3-2-2006. Since they have been in foster care, we have not had any regular visitation. This is wrong! This isn’t right! What about the children who needs their family?

The Judge- Judge Richard W Kirby,  Tara Bone – DHS,  Asst DA- Jane Brown, Asst PD- Ryan Hauser and DHS Director- Howard Hendrick, they all should be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their part in alienating my grandchildren and continuing to inflict pain upon them, by keeping them in the system for as long as they have.

The judge has denied my request to order DHS to do a home-study of my home inorder to adopt my 5 grandsons. The judge has dismissed me from any future court hearings in regards to my grandchildren’s case, at the request of DHS. The Judge granted the request. This was done on 2-8-2011.

My grandchildren are suffering in foster care. Being shipped, shuffled and shafted from one placement to the next. That’s terrible! It’s emotional for the children. I feel my grandchildren pain. I am right there with them.

This is an injustice! An investigation should be launched into the practice of how a judge and dhs handles these cases. This isn’t right at all and these folks are getting away with how they are treating the children and families.

DHS are supposed to be hleping the children and families? Right? Not inflicting damage or traumatizing the children even more! This system is broken.

My grandchildren has been in the foster care system since MARCH 2 2006. The State refuses to work with me to return my 5 grandsons.

I’ll say it again, that: The Judge- Judge Richard W Kirby,  Tara Bone – DHS,  Asst DA- Jane Brown, Asst PD- Ryan Hauser and DHS Director- Howard Hendrick, they all should be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their part in alienating my grandchildren and continuing to inflict pain upon them, by keeping them in the system for as long as they have.

This is the State of Oklahoma, City of Oklahoma City, County of Oklahoma.


Foster Care isn’t right for any child. Foster Care destroys children, they enter one way and then they are transformed. It’s the foster care system. It’s no good.

How can it be any good, For when I’ve been fighting for the longest to get my grandsons back home.

I have relocated from Nevada. I have a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage home. It’s over 2,000 square feet. I am not a felon, I’m a veteran, I have everything that’s needed to taken care of my 5 grandsons. Roof over their head and beds for each and every one of them. A Refrigerator full of food.  I’ve a washer and dryer. I MEAN! WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? ISN’T IT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?



Thank You and God Bless.

A grieving grandmother




Corruption in the OKDHS Organization

March 4. 2010 ( Thursday)
Corruption in the organization named OKDHS–foster care unit.
That’s what I’m conversing on, Okdhs – foster care program that’s in controlled by Director Howard Hendrick.

Corruption indeed it is.
OKDHS didn’t give me approved and or regular visitation nothing at all.

After 4 long emotional and antagonizing years of not being able to see my grandchildren and how they were doing or even just to hear their voices on the phone was enough to make you scream and pull your hair out, (nervous wreck), any way it was only after the judge ordered the state to give me visitation, not just any visitation, it was, supervised with therapeutic visitation.
(by the way Okdhs denied the recommendation right in court just a few steps from where i was standing with my attorney.)
After 4 years i have my visitation. I am so happy on that note to be able to see my precious babies. Just to hug themand hold them.
Visitation was approved in Oklahoma County, In Oklahoma City on Tuesday January 19th 2010 before Judge Richard W Kirby

I have been in the state of Oklahoma, for now going on 2 years. The reason why that i am here in this state, is solely because of the states refusing to give me my own grandchildren. I am their biological and maternal grandmother. The children’s mother relinquished her parental rights on September 15Th 2009. I’ve been attending court proceedings and not missing a one. Because it’s so important to show before the judge. (which I’ve been doing just that).

Oklahoma Department of Human Services(Okdhs), has continuously denied me my grandchildren. They have been dancing around the answer so as to make it sound reasonable and ethical. Point blank It’s all bologna. Not a good enough reason,but it is sure staying in court. What they have put on paper and (i have proof of that); It states the reason being as follows; Because of my past decisions and actions. Well get real, that’s the best they can come up with, when i don’t have a prison record, I have no felonies. It goes on to state, that if i wish to pursue the matter, then it would be wise to retain an attorney. Because only a court of law will be able to give me back my grandchildren.These people are out of their mind. What they thought I was going to just leave my grandsons in the state screwed up hands when i didn’t want them there in the first place.
Like I’ve stated earlier, that i wasn’t a felon. Well get this, Okdhs, they gave my youngest grandson, to his father who is an ex-felon, he done 13 years in the California Dept of Correction. Whats wrong with this picture?
Initially there were 6 of my grandsons were in the states hands, but they (OKDHS) gave my baby, the youngest of them all to his biological father, which was great because he would be out of the system.

But, what I am angry and upset about, is that OKDHS continue to keep my 5 oldest grandsons in there, when i am here for them and that I am not a felon, nor have i ever been to prison.

They say because of my past actions and decisions. This system, government is corrupt and needs to be brought down and restructured. It truly does. Other wise it will continue to hurt and destroy children’s lives and the families of these precious ones. This is an injustice! Oklahoma DHS is too far stuck in time. These people needs to step up to the plate and stop trying to play God.

I’m furious over that. I’ve even contacted the Oklahoma Governor, Brad Henry and he forwards it on to Okdhs. I’ve emailed the white house on several occasions and also I’ve wrote to the white house and to the first family. I am hopeful, although, it’s a long shot.

I’ve done nothing wrong for this state of oklahoma to keep my love ones from me.

Oklahoma has tried to scare me off by saying that i’ve allegations from nevada, (which i asked for proof and i received it from nevada.) So they couldn’t use that against me. So then Oklahoma, tries something else. Ah! they stopped my classes for licensing for my Oklahoma Foster care to have my grandsons placed with me while in foster care. They rejected me on that, by telling the agency, Not to certify me.(I have that letter for proof as well).

Oh yea! Oklahoma is so corrupt. They are worst than dirty. Believe It.

I keep writing to the Oklahoma Governor: Governor Brad Henry.

I’m just a concerned and loving grandmother, that will and has gone the distance and will continue until this here mess is over and done. I’ve moved and relocated from Reno Nevada to beable to handle this and be loyal in going to court. I’ve rented a 3 bedroom, 2 bath ,2 car garage home, it’s over 2000 square feet, (which i have more than enough room for my boys.) I love these children.

My grand-babies has been out of the home now for 4 very long and emotional years. The Pain. It’s so bad. I wouldn’t wish this on no-one. March 2 2010, marked the 4 year.

For all those that take an interest :

Please Pray for Me and my 5 grandsons on that they be safely returned back home to where they are loved and missed.

Thank You and God Bless


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