Msfarina603's Blog



My dear and precious grandchildren! you’re not forgotten!

I love you so very much! I will always be your grandmother, that will never change, no matte what.

You boys are loved, wanted and missed. You have family that loves and cares a great deal for you all.

I am so hurt, that you all are having to go through this awful and terrible situation.  I just want to hold you all and take away all of the pain.  My grandsons, I love you more than words can describe. With every ounce of blood that’s flowing through my body, in my veins.

You boys, I carry you in my heart and spirit, since you all have been taken away, my life hasn’t been the same. NOR! will it ever be. I love you truly and miss you more.

The judge has failed you and our family.

My grandchildren you are forever and always on my mind. My grandsons I love you and always will.

I send you my love, hugs and kisses. I am truly sorry that you children have had to go through this Horrible Nightmare.

Love Always and Forever,

Your Grandmother,

Farina Thompson

Family Is Key to Strengthening the Children! Not Alienation, or Isolation, Definitely Not Separation!























Farina Thompson; A Grandmothers’ Determination!

Sunday June 3 2012

ImageAs a grandmother, I came forth to do the right thing and get my grandchildren out of the Oklahoma Foster Care System. Little did I know that the State of Oklahoma would do all this to keep my grandsons in the states foster care system.

I’ve seen so much corruption,deception and crooked folks in these here unprofessional and unethical acts, It has blown me completely away. You would think that the court system would want to place the children back with their blood family and not have them in the foster care system any length of time.

Not in the case with my grandchildren. It’s been 6 long painful, frustration and daunting years. literally a living Nightmare!

It’s puzzling and disturbing from my point of view! Since Family should be with family. My grandchildren have been in the Oklahoma Foster Care System, since March 2 2006. The last time that I saw my grandsons were on 2-16-2010. It’s been over 2 years! That’s plum ridiculous! Just Cruel ! That’s just wrong and deliberately devious and corruption.

My daughter, after requesting / asking permission if she could return home with her mother, (ME), so that I can help her with her children. Reason being she had just been released from prison out there in Oklahoma. She had nothing– was starting all over from scratch. She became overwhelmed and gave up.

I moved from Reno Nevada. But First! I made several plane flights , then drove several times too, before I actually moved to Oklahoma. Which, I was there for 3 1/2 years before moving back home to Modesto, California.

You see! I love my grandchildren, they are my world and my life. for the last 6 years. I’ve been making sure to do what’s needed, because dealing with this Oklahoma DHS – Foster Care System. As long as I have been dealing with that state you have to become creative. Keep a positive mind and read up on the system as much as you can. The foster care system is meant to break the family that’s fighting the good fight. What I mean by that! They will do everything to scare you, so that you will not do or say anything at all what so ever. Via the News, Internet, Reporters,.

I know this because. I was slapped with a contempt of court charge where I had to pay for an attorney for myself.  When you start exposing the culprit! They get worried, believe me they do.I remember this one time I was before the judge and the DA she stated! Judge she has already getting an audience, she has over 42 views.

That’s when all kind of stuff started being mentioning in court.

As I am the maternal and biological grandparent to my precious grandchildren. I will not stop exposing them to the world, via, the news, blogs, you-tube, writing the legislatures and even the president and his wife. Each and every letter I receive I put them with the others.

I’ve complained to the Civil Rights Division of the DHHS I took it all the way to Washington DC. Though nothing was positive. Yet! I still have proof to show my grandchildren when that day comes and they ask me – Grandma! Did you fight for us? Or How come you didn’t come for us? I can be proud to tell them and show them everything that I’ve done to get them out and back home with me where, they are loved, wanted and missed.

My grandchildren! They aren’t forgotten! No! They aren’t. What has taken place with my grandchildren and how the Oklahoma Family Courts and the Oklahoma DHS has done to us nothing but an Injustice and those behind these vengeful acts should be held accountable for their actions.

Case # JD-06-180–  K# 20347104 -Case Name – MAY- BENJAMIN – DAVIS – WALKER –

The Judge — Associate District Judge Richard W Kirby. This judge has not done his job as he took his oath and was sworn in as a Civil Servant. His duties were to help those that come into his courtroom. Not to fail the family’s and the children that are counting on him. He’s wasn’t for the righteous, Yet! He was in favor of the Oklahoma DHS- therefore my grandchildren has remained in the states foster care system.

The state of Oklahoma has done so many wrong unethical actions in the case of my grandchildren it would take more than 20 pages to get it all down and maybe more.

I will continue to write my blogs and let the world know what is going on with the foster care system in the state of Oklahoma and what they have done to my grandchildren and our family.

How come they didn’t give me my grandchildren? Is beyond me. However it was unethical and an injustice, let me tell you that. But! let them tell it, It’s because I have a felony food stamp charge that took place in 1982- which I was 18.  That’s incorrect! I went into the Army shortly after that. Felons aren’t allowed in the Armed  Forces.

Everything that I’ve done to get my grandsons out of the foster care system was shot down and they would continue to put things off, that was in favor of me, the children’s maternal and biological grandparent.

In court it got so bad, they are so dirty and devious, that the Oklahoma DHS REQUESTED to have me taken – removed from my grandchildren case. That I wasn’t allowed to be in court. This request was done in Feb 2011 and the request was granted, by the Associate District Judge Richard W Kirby.

The even more shocking element to this is that I wasn’t present in court! The reason for that, was simply they had the court date a day in advance and I wasn’t notified of the change in venue. How is that for size? Isn’t that something? When I’m fighting for my only grandchildren!

The judge said from the beginning, that if I don’t like his ruling to take it to a higher court! That right there meant that he wasn’t ruling in favor of me the grandmother.

It didn’t matter that I came prepared. I moved to the mid west. Rented a nice 3 bedroom home that was over 2,000 square feet. Had all the boys rooms furnished and ready for them to come home. Also! didn’t need any assistance to care for and provide for my grandsons. No tax payers would have to shell out their hard-earned wages to help me support my daughters children! My grandchildren! No, I’m able and willing to care for every one of them.

Not only that! I am my grandsons maternal and biological grandmother. I love my grandbabies with all the blood that’s flowing through my body in my veins.

Children should be with family and not be shuffled and bounced around in the foster care system, especially when they have family that wants them.

My grandchildren, have had at least a dozen case workers. They don’t know what’s going on, they are only children and they know that they aren’t home and are continuously being moved about. My grandsons have been emotionally traumatized and alienated and isolated from their family.

That s certainly not in the best interest of the children! Yet! They are always quick to give the court that favorite statement. NOT only That – the other statement would be that of Every effort has been made to place the children with their maternal grandmother, which is nothing but an out right lie. Straight fabricated!

The courts action and that of the Oklahoma DHS  has been anything but professional.

Without a doubt this have been a Nightmare and very emotional to say the least.

Before I end, I’m asking everyone to please pray for me and my grandchildren, that this unexpected emotional and devastation of events in our lives be put to rest. For we have been going through this for the past 6 years and 2 months.

I thank you for your prayers and blessings. God Bless You and Yours.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I am just putting this out there to inform folks of this horrific ordeal – how the state can take your children and do what they want, so I just feel it’s right to let the world know of this tragedy that has struck my family. Not in a million years I seen this coming! I never though I’d be going through something as emotional and painful as this. My grandchildren! Oh! I hurt deeply! So deep down inside. The pain you can’t imagine the extent of this feeling.

So anyway,

Thanks Again,

Grieving Grandmother,

Farina Thompson

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