Msfarina603's Blog


The Family Unit

The family unit is the most valuable foundation that one can be blessed with. It’s just an outrageous shame before God at how our babies can be taken from us and the government has allowed the folks to this.
The family unit is what our strength is build on. Without family how else would the universe be as it is now. Family is the ultimate relationship to have. Without family you have noone. When our children are in foster care and you have no contact with them. It not only casues emotional pain for you, but imagine what our babies are going through. This can cause serious emotional problems to our kids and grandkids. Because they are wondering why their love-ones hasn’t been to see them. Not so much as a phone call to hear each others voice. You know what i mean?
The family unit is very special and i disagree with how the government agencies and organization are killing off our relationships with babies.
My grandchildren has been in the Oklahoma Foster Care System since March 2 2006 and we have not had regular family visits not even telephone calls.
We haven’t had any family holidays or get togethers nor any family birthdays together as a family unit in the 4 years 10 months and 1 week since they were taken by Oklahoma DHS.

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